Datil Yellow Pepper Seeds
Datil Yellow Pepper Seeds
Hailing from St. Augustine, Florida, the Yellow Datil pepper has been a regional treasure since the 1820s with a gorgeous yellow color and impressive flavors that you’ll never get over.
Grow these compact pepper plants in your garden or in any container - they work great! Plants will reach between 2-3 ft. tall and produce great yields of these 3" long pods. The Datil Yellow Peppers get their color after ripening from green to their yellow-orange color at maturity.
The Datil Yellow has heat levels averaging around 100,000-300,000 SHUs, which is similar in heat to the Habanero, Fatali, or Scotch Bonnet peppers. It has a uniquely sweet flavor once you're able to get past the heat. These peppers are perfect to spice up any cuisine, used fresh in salads, sauces, or hot sauces, or dried into a fantastic chili powder!